Spiritual Retreats for Successful Spiritual Waiting: the 7 Maxims
A spiritual retreat is the ideal setting during which to contemplate waiting on the Lord. A key element of my life’s mission is to assist spiritually sensitive people to appreciate and apply this principle and discipline of waiting … on God and for God.* My book and I can be your guides. I can be live with you, and there are multiple options for the type of event that best suits your group. For example:
- Three days/two nights. These events are usually conducted at a campsite or conference center, some distance away from the usual venue of your church or town.
- One evening and all the next day. These events are typically conducted at your church, and participants go home after the first evening’s event, returning the next morning for a full day.
Waiting on the Lord is an awesome theme during a spiritual getaway. I would be delighted to join you as the featured speaker and facilitator. I draw upon 40 years of experience to unpack the deepest, fullest meaning of waiting on and for God,* along with why and how. With lively and upbeat guidance enabling the audience to implement these principles, I show that waiting is a positive spiritual practice that delivers success while reducing stress. I define “success” as achieving and fulfilling one’s life purpose, and describe in detail how to succeed in the area of spiritual waiting. My book and events are rich with autobiographical adventures and lessons as I have implemented waiting on God, and for God, in my own life. I relate the experiences of historical waiters, as well, such as William Carey and Nelson Mandela. The topic of “waiting for God” is usually written about with a negative connotation. Other writers bemoan, “Why does God make me wait so long?” This book departs diametrically from that point of view. Indeed, the subtitle of my book is: “Transformative guidelines that reveal the positive perspective.” A maxim is generally any simple and memorable guide for living. Immanuel Kant said that a maxim is a principle of action that one gives to oneself, and my in-depth and compelling explanation of these 7 Maxims reveals the lifestyle of successful spiritual waiters. I am able to deliver these talks or lectures in either English or Spanish, having done so in the past. My live events and retreats also include meditative periods during which the participants may actively “wait on” the Lord, seeking his spiritual guidance. Stan Guthrie, former Managing Editor and Columnist for Christianity Today, once wrote: Lee Cuesta is “obviously gifted, hard-working, and passionate about communicating through the written word.”
* I am an ordained evangelical minister and a former cross-cultural missionary. So I use the Bible as my basis, exploring the lives of preeminent spiritual waiters, such as David, Abraham and Noah. But the truths are universal, and I also quote from the Tao Te Ching and the Bhagavad Gita. So no matter who you understand your God to be, followers of all faiths and spiritual traditions likewise will benefit from the insights in my book and special events. On this planet, we are meant to live together, and I deeply value different belief systems.
Other Opportunities
Lee Cuesta is also available for select speaking engagements and book signings. Please send a message to the email address on the “Contact Lee” tab above to inquire about a possible appearance.